The fruit is yellow-reddish, juicy, aromatic, semi-clingstone, with high fruitfulness
Harvest Period:
From week 32 to week 40
The tree has excellent vigor and high productivity. It is self-incompatible, with large or very large, regular spherical fruit. The peel has a yellow-pink base color with abundant purplish hues. The flesh is yellow-orange, moderately firm, very sugary, aromatic, and juicy. The fruit is freestone at maturity.
Harvest Period:
From week 32 to week 40
The fruit is large, bright red, and aromatic.
Harvest Period:
From week 37 to week 44
The tree is very vigorous and productive, with rather large, round fruits of a beautiful dark red color. The flesh is firm and sugary.
Harvest Period:
From week 31 to week 44
The tree has good vigor and high productivity. The fruit is very large and spheroidal in shape, with a pink base skin marked with prominent purplish spots. The flesh is yellow, decidedly firm, with an exquisite, aromatic, sugary flavor.
Harvest Period:
From week 31 to week 44
The tree is very productive and bears fruit quickly. The fruit is large, ovoid, with a pruinose violet skin. The flesh is yellow, firm, and of excellent quality.
Harvest Period:
From week 31 to week 44
Large and long cluster of pyramidal shape. Crispy pulp of neutral flavor Harvest Period: from week 24 to week 35. Vittoria is a type of large white grape so much so that the berries can weigh up to 7 g. The flavor of the grape is sweet and contains a lot of juice. It has digestive, nourishing, energetic properties and is a natural source of antioxidants.
Harvest Period:
From week 36 to week 44
Frutto giallo rossastro, succosa, aromatica, semispicca, di elevata fruttificazione.
Albero di ottima vigoria e di elevata produttività, auto incompatibile, frutto grosso o molto grosso, di forma sferica regolare, buccia di fondo giallo-rosato con abbondanti sfumature violacee, polpa giallo-arancia, mediamente soda, assai zuccherina, aromatica e succosa, spicca a maturità .
Frutto grosso di colore rosso brillante, aromatico.
Albero molto vigoroso e produttivo, frutti piuttosto grossi, rotondi, di bel colore rosso scuro, polpa soda, zuccherina.
Albero di buona vigoria e elevata produttività frutto molto grosso di forma sferoidale, epidermide di fondo rosa, con macchie violacee e vistose, polpa gialla, decisamente soda, di squisito sapore aromatica, zuccherina, non spicca.
Albero molto produttivo e di rapida messa a frutto, frutto grosso, ovoidale, violaceo pruinoso, polpa gialla soda, di ottima qualità.
Il susino President è un varietà di susino europea. Albero di vigoria elevata, assurgente, di produttività elevata e costante. Le susine President hanno frutto grosso o molto grosso, ellissoidale, violaceo scuro rossastro, pruinoso. Polpa gialla, poco dolce ma molto gradevole, soda, spicca.

We are aware of the typical delicacy of this fruit, which is why we take the utmost care in packaging, using sponges and mats to protect and preserve the quality and integrity of our grapes in the best possible way.
We usually pack in 5, 7 and 8 Kgs in bulk or carry bags and clamshell punnets. Nava uses cartons, wood or plastic boxes according to the specific customer’s needs.
In line with the need for greater attention to the environmental impact that we see growing in our customers and markets and that Nava has always shared, we are also developing a line of eco-sustainable packaging aimed at limiting waste and reducing environmental impact.